Friday, October 12, 2012

7 Quick Takes at 26 Weeks

1. I think it is hilarious that my family spends most of their lives in pajamas. I think being pregnant for three years has made us welcome comfort and home!

2. Political (Skip if you must): After watching the VP debates last night, I think it is illogical to oppose abortion except in cases of incest and rape. If you think it is a life, then if someone takes it, it is murder. Murder is NEVER okay.

3. My husband is a saint for dealing with my crazy exhaustion. He lets me sleep in, cleans the house, cooks for the boys, etc. There is no one better than him and he is why our marriage is amazing and the best in the world.

4. I love my sisters. They are beautiful, insightful, and encourage me to be a better person in EVERY way... that is why having big families is a must, if you can. I learn what qualities I want in myself and, very araely, the ones I do not want. ;)

5. I am so blessed to have God control my life. He has made it so that we are having kids when we have extreme energy. He made it so that they are going to be close in age, which will be easier on us in the future. Hard work when we have the energy, and then we get to enjoy the fruits of our labor (i.e. have indentured servants until they are 18! lol).

6. Sometimes, I still find myself judging other families because I think mine is the best. I understand that this is wrong and definitely not true, but it is hard when we love each other SO much and have incredible amounts of fun. ( I just reread this and it sounds so egotistical, but isn't that what blogs are, anyway?)

7. My belly is so incredibly big that I have a VERY hard time breathing. It is funny, but, on days like today, I remember that even though I am SO happy to be having 4 kids in 3 years, it is a difficult feat that sometimes I need to acknowledge.

*Sorry if this post is pretentious, I am feeling VERY blessed and love my family!

1 comment:

Mary Wilkerson said...

You are so funny.
And I am sorry, my hubs is the best ever and my fam is the best ever. lose.

I love pajama days.
I love brothers
i am sorry you are tired, I REALLY wish I lived there and could take the boys overnight so you can cleep
I am glad Mathew takes care of you.