Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 24

Dear Girls,

What an eventful couple of weeks! I am so blessed to be able to feel you move! This past week we bought a family van. Mama has always wanted a van so I was pumped!

I just got back from your ultrasound. I found out that you are not identical and Mama is excited! I was a bit leary of having identical twins. Your 3D ultrasounds showed us your faces. My heart melted! Zoe, you were a little gymnast with you foot by your face and you reminded me of Kolbe. Molly, you were calm as ever and you remind me of Rocky!

Zoe, We asked Uncle Aaron and Aunt Paulette to be your godparents. Molly, we asked Uncle Bri Bri and Auntie Mar Mar to be yours. I am so thankful that I can rely on them to teach you the ways of our passion, God!

I pray for you daily (and so do your brothers during night prayer). I cannot wait to meet you! Be happy and healthy!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Week 21

Wow! Keeping up with a blog is the last thing I have time for! My graduate school class is a bit demanding and I am POOPED! Here goes...

Dear Babies.... I mean, Dear GIRLS!

Yes, that is right! I said, girls! I am so excited to be able to share my world with some twincesses! Daddy and I found out last Wednesday. At Kolbe's 1st birthday party, we shared the news wiht friends and family. Mama made cupcakes with the letters A and B. Each guest received one. All the A's took a bite and inside was PINK frosting. Then, all the B's took a bite and inside was PINK frosting, again! Auntie Kay Kay and Grammy brought you over some CUTE outfits and I was so excited!

Mama has been exhausted and sick the past couple weeks. The thing that keeps me working so hard in 4th grade and grad school is... YOU! And your brothers, of course. I think I am so tired because you both are growing like weeds! You are both about 11 ounces each and about 10 inches long! Your kicks make me smile. Daddy started to feel them this week, too.

I pray for your safety, happiness, and sanctity everyday and your brothers do, too. Rocky says his prayers every night and prays especially for his "Sistuhs"! I love you both....
